By Josh Lamaro, Jack Kruse and Yew-Wei Tan

Imagine you were a simple organism born out of this world today, and found yourself in the environment pictured above.  Your task is to become familiar with your surroundings to be able to navigate your way around, and yoke your metabolism for optimal survival in these conditions.
Like being dropped in any new place, the first thing one must do is familiarise themselves with the landmarks and events which will become reliable beacons for reference in spatial navigation.  Brooklyn Bridge.  Big Ben.  The Eiffel Tower.

In a primitive environment, devoid of man made structures, the common reliable feature of every day was, and remains to be, a sinusoidal cycle of light and dark, illustrated beautifully in the above image.
Environmental and circadian signals are sensed by all cells to determine how and when we recycle and maintain the proteins that make up our tissues, determining what life we have, how long we will live it, and how ill or well we will be along the way.

The micropulsations of native and non-native electromagnetic forces control all major biocycles, including the timing of mitotic rhythm and the entire cell cycle.  Any major change in their frequency would be catastrophic for cells.  In fact, experiments already have been done that have shown that vibrational rates near normal and slightly above the Schumann resonance, from 30-100 Hz, cause dramatic changes in the cell cycle timing. This can be extremely deleterious for the management and repair of the protein structures that make up our tissues.


Such protein maintenance and repair is controlled by ubiquination rates, a process chiefly organised by a protein called Ubiquitin.  Ubiquination rates are a critical component of cellular communication and are fundamentally linked to proper SCN function and proper clock controlled cell signaling.  Every cancer on this planet has been linked to defects in ubiquination rates. All ubiquination defects are associated with altered melatonin and sulfated Vitamin D levels, which are fundamentally set and controlled by light, not food.

The concentration of a protein within a cell is determined by the balance between a protein’s degradation and its synthesis.  Studies of protein turnover rates have shown that some proteins are short-lived while others are long-lived.
Long-lived proteins constitute the majority of proteins in the cell. Short-lived proteins are typically key regulatory proteins and abnormal proteins (abnormal proteins are often partially unfolded, and such proteins are prone to degradation).

What might happen when the proteins that are supposed to be long-lived are forced to turnover very quickly?  Or if short lived proteins are left a long time?

Protein turnover is one of the most energy consuming processes to be undertaken by a cell. This means that intricate control of this process is critical for optimal health and energy conservation.

Ubiquitin performs this critical function of controlling protein turnover in a cell by closely regulating the degradation of specific proteins. By regulating protein degradation using cell signalling information, cells can quickly eliminate a protein that in turn regulates another function (like a transcription factor that is needed to express a particular gene). This form of control is very effective, as the elimination of a particular regulatory protein ensures that the process expressed by the regulatory protein is shut-down.
Of course, while Ubiquitin-linked regulation is effective at controlling processes, it is also energetically expensive. If a regulatory protein is needed again, it has to be re-synthesized.

 (An alternative regulatory strategy used by cells is to simply de-activate proteins (by changing their conformation). However, unlike the Ubiquitin-linked regulation, such inactivated proteins can be mistakenly reactivated.)

 Ubiquitin performs it’s duties in an ATP-dependent fashion. This is where Gilbert Ling’s ideas become very important.  Ubiquitin function couples directly to mitochondrial signaling.
Mitochondria are organelles within the cells whereby food is broken down to electrons, and water to protons.  Protons are pumped out at a rapid rate under normal conditions.

Within these protons is stored potential energy, and this potential energy is eventually transferred to water hydration shells surrounding cellular proteins and mitochondria, and existing throughout the entire cell.  This potential energy is stored in the hydronium ion of the exclusion zone of water (EZ).  The EZ is critical to cellular signaling in all life forms. When mitochondria discharge protons, water must be available in close quarters to accept this potential energy package.

If it is not, and mitochondria make too many protons, a positive charge builds up in and around the mitochondria, which lowers the redox potential and creates oxidative damage to the surrounding proteins.

Definition: The redox potential is a measure of the electrical potential across your cell membranes. The bigger the gradient is, or becomes, the more alive and well you remain.
Redox chemistry in and around the cell membranes is the key to precise cell regulation.


Linking Redox Chemistry to Protein Turnover

Gilbert Ling’s research showed that ATP was not the high-energy intermediate that Peter Mitchell’s chemiosmotic theory advocates. Ling instead countered that ATP withdraws electrons from proteins.  When this happens, Ling showed, the thermodynamics and the quantum possibilities of the protein in question are altered.

In essence, the cell is tagging the protein with a new thermodynamic information, so that it’s redox possibilities can either make it exist for long periods of time, or mark it for replacement quickly.

Once the redox tagging is complete, the cellular redox repair machinery will take over using resonant energy transfers from the local electromagnetic oscillations or waves in and around a cell.
This is essentially how a cell evolves in real time to suits its environment.

Why is this important?  Greg Engel showed in plant biophysics experiments that all subatomic particles (electrons and protons) move within living cells as waves or oscillations. When electrons are withdrawn from proteins, it changes their tune, so to speak. This is the manner in which proteins are tagged differently, and is the reason protein turnover is linked intimately to circadian and annual cycles.

Note:  Ubiquitin itself does not degrade proteins. It serves only as a tag that marks proteins for degradation. The degradation itself is carried out by the 26S proteasome. In short, proteins that are to be degraded are first tagged by conjugating them with Ubiquitin and these tagged proteins are then recognized and shuttled to the proteasome for degradation.

What are the Major Protein Degradation Signals?

What determines if a protein gets tagged by Ubiquitin and thus marked for degradation? This question is open for debate, but Ling’s work shows us it is likely the Redox potential of the protein in question.
Redox chemistry is the key to cell regulation and it is subject to proper timing, specifically circadian timing.

Light is an electromagnetic oscillation or wave, and is detected by the SCN in the brain.

If the SCN clock cannot perform time-keeping accurately, then the ubiquination tagging mechanism does not work effectively.  Short-lived partially unfolded proteins may be left longer than desired, hindering cellular actions and resulting in cellular “junk” floating around, or, on the other hand, proteins could be tagged prematurely, leading to energetically-expensive protein turnover.

Almost every disease known to modern medicine is tied to alterations in ubiquination processing.  This is why circadian timing is the most critical aspect of wellness, not the food we eat.  Health and wellness starts with cyclical and structural rhythms, not with food.

One simply needs to try and grow a tomato in the depths of winter to understand that the food itself cannot even exist if the conditions for its existence are not present.

Dr. Luis De LeCea’s work, and the work of many others has shown us that we release our pituitary hormones optogenetically – by cellular communication via light. This means light signalling and timing are fundamentally linked to proper hormone signaling in the human brain.

There is One Food that is Critically Important to this System

There is one nutrient that you need to get from food, and that is the Docosahexanoic (DHA,) found in the marine food chain.  DHA is required to turn these light signals into a usable electrical signal for the brain. This lipid is critical for taking light from the Sun, or from our Gut Bacteria, and then turning that light into an electrical signal that can be captured by our mitochondria.
The human retina has more DHA than does the brain, as it is the interface between external light signals and the brain.  It gives the primary signal to the SCN to run the central pacemaking clock, so that life can manifest properly, and the system can make sense of its environmental pressures, and how to use food electrons.

Blue light is what destroys DHA quickest, and in turn, lowers melatonin, and alters Vitamin D sulfation in the skin and gut.

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter made from dietary breakdown of carbohydrates, particularly foods high in phenylalanine, leucine and tryptophan. These chemicals are found in fruits that grow in long light conditions.  In the gut, serotonin regulates intestinal movements, whilst in the brain it is involved in regulation of mood, appetite and sleep (once converted to melatonin.)
Serotonin balance in the brain is just that…..a balance between light frequency and DHA tissue concentration.  If that relationship is not tightly regulated by ubiquination rates,  the connection to uncouple signaling in the brain gut axis is lost.

Serotonin is synthesized from tryptophan, which is transcriptionally activated by vitamin D3 sulfate.
EPA from marine lipids increases serotonin release from presynaptic neurons, whilst DHA has a massive influence on the serotonin receptor action.

Once the serotonin is absorbed, it is collected in the enterochromaffin cells of the gut. There it is transported in the brain’s vagal and serotonergic nerve tracts. Serotonin is closely regulated in the gut and brain by the presence or absence of light.
It is the absence of light, and reduction of H2 from the gut, that stimulates the production of melatonin from serotonin.  This can only happen when light is absent on our skin, in our eye and from our gut for at least 3-4 hrs.  This is another reason why late night eating is detrimental, particularly starches and sugars.  Eating food at night stimulates such light release from the microbiome.  Just as blue light in the eye blunts melatonin production and destroys sleep, so too does blue light release in the gut.

Circadian mismatches disconnect light entrained circadian cycles from the cell cycle, by uncoupling and disconnecting ubiquination from melatonin.

When we marry a microwaved environment replete in blue light, with the lack of DHA in cell membranes in the eye and SCN, we create the perfect storm.
This combination leads to a complete uncoupling of ubquination from melatonin cycles in the brain and gut.  The interaction of ubiquitin and melatonin is of paramount importance in the activation of the transcription factor NF-κappa Beta. NF-κappa Beta is the emergency system of the cell that ties inflammatory cascades to circadian clock genes.

NF-κappa Beta modulates the global cellular levels of communication, by modulating numerous signal transducing factors such as the tumor suppressor p53.

Blue light frequencies rapidly destroy any remaining DHA in the retina, further slowing the SCN clock in relation to the organ clocks.  We can see here how the advice given by modern Australian ob/gyn practitioners to expecting mothers – to avoid fish consumption – creates an epigenetic disaster for any child born into such a blue light toxic environment. This is one reason metabolic disease is showing up in younger populations in epidemic numbers.

The average modern human looks at their cellphone 150 times a day, delivering a constant toxic dose of blue light to the SCN, destroying melatonin production rapidly.  This is only one source.

Uncoupling fundamental forces of nature uncouples our biologic cycles, and this directly alters how nucleic acids, mitochondria and ubiquination can function.  The more non-native oscillations one faces in one’s chosen environment, the higher the ubiquination rates become, and the more chronic disease one is likely to face.

Eating Wholesome, natural Food is a great start, and absolutely has its benefits.  It is a tool in the toolbox for building optimal health, but it simply isn’t enough to cure a sick body or ensure longevity in a toxic environment.
Pete Evans might tout an “Optimal Paleo Lifestyle,” but clinicians who understand circadian biology know that there are far greater environmental concerns that determine the health outcomes of their patients.

If, like Pete, you believe that altering your diet can fix everything, you may end up investing all of your time and money into doing things that, at best, serve to add only a little energy into your system. What will you do about the 10 different energy-draining stressors that are left unchecked?

This blog presents some science about some of the fundamental forces that govern our health and wellness. These forces go well beyond diet. With a new perspective, we can start re-examining some of the core tenets of our daily practice.

When you know better, you do better.

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